Contact Information

We consider user feedback to be invaluable in our continuing effort to serve you better. Please forward all questions or inquiries to Cory Coleman.

Cory Coleman
5340 Fryling Road
Suite 300
Erie, PA 16510
Phone 814-897-9000 x108

If you are interested in advertising information or becoming part of our supplier network, send us an email.

Outsourced Pharma

The increased reliance by pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies on outsourcing services has created opportunities for sponsors and service providers alike.  Amid changing regulations, an increasing number of providers, financial and technical considerations, and a multitude of service options, it is more and more difficult to get the information you need on what to outsource and who to outsource it to.  Outsourced Pharma help you make sense of it all by providing clarity on the “if”, “when”, “what”, “who”, and “how” around outsourcing. 

Whichever stage of the drug development life cycle you are in, Outsourced Pharma will give you the guidance you need to make solid business decisions and find reliable outsourcing partners.

Outsourced Pharma is part of the Life Science Connect media group. The vision of Life Science Leader and Life Science Connect is to help facilitate connections and foster collaborations in pharmaceutical and medical device development to find ways to get more life-saving and life-improving therapies to market in an efficient manner. Connect, Collaborate, Contribute.