Newsletter | February 20, 2024

02.20.24 -- What To Consider When Selecting A Contract Packaging Partner

Cold Chain Logistics And Packaging Considerations For Probiotics

As probiotics continue to rise in popularity as immunity-building agents, manufacturers must strive to meet market demand while ensuring safe, effective products for consumers. The solution? Maintain a robust cold chain throughout production and transport and develop a variety of packaging options suited to accommodate unique formulations.


Considerations When Outsourcing Your Packaging Operations

What are the current trends in pharmaceutical packaging and supply chain? Explore expert insights into the key to maintaining and enhancing existing and new partnerships as well as how outsourcing this crucial aspect of bringing products to market can benefit your organization and overall supply chain optimization.


5 Must-Haves In A Contract Packaging Partner

With over 2,000 pharmaceutical packagers competing in the global market, identifying the right contract packaging partner can be a challenge. Discover the five factors that can help you successfully recognize an ideal outsourcing partner for your organization.


Four Reasons For The Rise In Blister Packaging

The pharmaceutical manufacturing industry has witnessed a significant increase in the number of drug approvals by the FDA in recent years, which has led to several packaging innovations. Gain insight into why blister packaging is being propelled to the forefront of pharmaceutical packaging, and at an even faster rate than its current growth.


Stick Packaging Delivers Portability, Convenience

Stick packaging, a popular format in Europe and Asia, is gaining interest in North America. This type of packaging offers flexibility, portability, and convenience and can be used as an alternative to bottles and even blister packaging. Read about stick packaging and a leading contract packager providing a way to ease product use.



High-Speed Blistering, Cartoning, And Serialization Capabilities

Learn about a single-lane unit that integrates blistering, cartoning, and serialization. The BEC 300 was created in response to the continued increase in demand for blister, a preferred packaging format when security, stability, and sustained efficacy are needed.

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Pharmaceutical Clinical Trial Distribution Services For Canada

Contracting an in-country pharmaceutical clinical depot brings efficiencies to your clinical trial distribution. Discover a partner that handles most paperwork, permissions, components, warehousing, packaging, distribution, collection, and destruction as a single project.

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Contract Pharmaceutical Blister Packaging Services

The growing need for convenient and tamper-free packaging has proliferated the demand for blister packaging in the pharmaceutical industry. Explore contract blister packaging services that can produce blister packaging in several different forms.

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