Brochure | May 30, 2023

Bioengineering Solutions - Gene Synthesis With GeneGPS® & VectorGPS®

Source: ATUM
ATUM Bioengineering solutions bucket

ATUM's proprietary GeneGPS® and VectorGPS® platforms design constructs that are optimized for maximal expression/yield in your system, whether that’s a single gene in E. coli, a metabolic pathway in yeast, or a complex bispecific antibody in mammalian cells. ProteinGPS® is also available as an engineering platform that optimizes proteins for real world applications using systematic variance and Machine Learning for maximal efficiency. Walk through the Downstream Process Development and Protein Expressions Services, along with ATUM’s cGMP-compliant Cell Banking Facility that provides full assurance of uninterrupted operation. Find solutions to meet your gene, protein, antibody, or cell line needs and advance your research and speed to market.

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